Monday, October 15, 2007

IIS7: Application pool, managed pipeline mode

Referenced posts:
Separated application pool
Application pool idenity

Windows Vista comes with new property of application pool..
Now we have property "managed pipeline mode".
It allows two options:
- 0 - Integrated (set by default during creation of the new application pool)
- 1 - Classic

In the .NET 3 new .NET library Microsoft.Web.Administration allows us to manage IIS settings very easy.

Unofortunately, I was required to turn IIS settings on the Windows Vista in old way, because software product still not working with .NET 3, so I use old good way of the ADSI and System.DirectoryServices

To set application pool in classic mode on Windows Vista/IIS7, I make additional call (in bold):
string appPoolName = "myAppPool";
DirectoryEntry poolRoot = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/AppPools");
DirectoryEntry pool = poolRoot.Children.Add(appPoolName, "IIsApplicationPool");
pool.InvokeSet("ManagedPipelineMode", new Object[] { 1 });

I set 1, because I need to set my application pool working in classic mode. 0 should be used for integrated mode.